NL #24 Who says grammar isn’t fun? Remember Mad Libs? Here’s one to try: respond to each of the prompts at the beginning of this entry. Then fill in the blanks with your answers in the second part. Voila! Instant art and grammar review. What fun!
Part One: Directions: Provide an example of each part of speech as indicated. For example, for participle you might write: running.
Paragraph One:
(plural noun)
(animal, vegetable, mineral)
(juice drink or alcoholic drink)
Paragraph Two
(mode of transportation)
(action verb—past tense)
(animal, vegetable, mineral)
(juice drink or alcoholic drink)
Paragraph Three
(infinitive verb)
(past tense action verb)
(plural noun)
(infinitive verb)
Part Two: Directions: Use your answers to part one to fill in the blanks in part two. Then read your story aloud.
As my feet hit the floor this morning, I exclaimed, “(interjection) _________________! It’s going to be a (adjective) _________________ day.” I could hear the (plural noun) _________________singing and the (noun) _________________ coming through the window. For breakfast, I had (animal, vegetable, mineral) _________________; to drink, I had (juice drink or alcoholic drink) _________________ like I always do.
I drove my (mode of transportation) _________________ to work, where I (action verb—past tense) _________________ all day. At the end of the work day, I was (adjective) _________________, so I went home for a snack: (animal, vegetable, mineral) _________________ to eat and to drink, I had (juice drink or alcoholic drink) _________________.
(Infinitive verb) _________________ at the end of the day, I (past tense action verb) _________________ and then I put the (plural noun) _________________ to bed. I went (infinitive verb) _________________ to get ready for a new day.
"For me a brain tumor and its treatments are not a pause in the adventure of life, but instead a part of the adventure of life." Mary has survived big hair, a brain tumor, coming out, distressed bowel syndrome, hallucinations, radiation, and a car wreck. Here Mary takes us from public transportation horrors to the joys of sharing life with you. Though you probably won't want to have a brain tumor; you will wish that you could see the world through Mary's eyes. Sister Jen
A Photograph of me without me in it

A photograph of me without me in it
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